Glacier Park Beer Testing Team

Postad 18 juli 2012


Our names are Jeff and CJ, we’re big fans of beer from the northern part of New York. We’ve just met Anders in Glacier National Park, and split a 6 pack of Big Sky IPA. We loved this beer – it’s a classic IPA, great hops flavor and refreshing aftertaste. The best part is the alcohol content, 6.2%. A bit more than the usual 5.0%, one beer leaves you in a slightly more pleasant state of mind, and two amplifies this effect. We’ve also sampled Going to the Sun IPA, a little stronger flavor with only 5.5%. A fair trade off for some, but not as good in our opinion.

As young Americans, it is our responsibility to include a bit of information about the less respected, more universally popular American beers. At the moment, we’re following up our IPA’s with Coors Light, a cheap but definitely refreshing beer that comes conveniently in 16 oz cans. The key to understanding this beer is the way it’s advertised – Coors commercials always highlight its rocky mountain coldness. Of course, the coldness of the beer has nothing to do with the company, which is the first clue to its quality, which is quite sub par. Coors, as well as Budweiser, fills an important niche for us Americans. Instead of flavor, you get drinkability. A Coors is great to drink after work, it’s cold (if you refrigerate it) and it relieves the stress. The taste is reminiscent of aluminum, but the alcohol does the trick. The key to drinking these low quality beers is to switch it around. A bad beer only tastes really bad after a few weeks of drinking it – if you drink Coors one week and Budweiser the next, you’ll never have a bad time. And the best part is, because it’s mostly water, your belly doesn’t get full and the drinking never stops.


USA cykelsemester 038

Här har vi killarna, det är de två som sitter närmst kameran som testade ölen. De andra två är från Israel, och när de pratade om att göra lumpen. Så sa killen i rött något i stil med att Israels armé är i alla fall inte inne och rotar i andra länder så som USA gör… jag fick bita mig i tungan för att inte ge mig in i en diskussion med honom.

USA cykelsemester 035

Här är Going to the sun IPA, Big Sky IPA glömde jag tyvärr ta någon bild på.

USA cykelsemester 039

Coors Light, så ni vet vad ni ska undvika… eller leta efter om det är APK som är viktigt.

Det här inlägget postades i Resor, USA 2012. Bokmärk permalänken.

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